"In 2007 our company worked with a Yardi team on a significant software upgrade which involved moving our property management portfolio from the Enterprise platform to the Voyager platform. Due the variations between the two programs the transition took extensive planning and training. In the Fall of 2007 Ms. Banks was able to come to our office and assist us with the training portion of the process. Due to her knowledge with the Yardi programs, as well as her working knowledge of the various lease structures in commercial real estate, she was able to help us setup our management portfolio on the Voyager platform. Upon completion of the training we were able to begin utilizing Voyager, and our transition from Enterprise was seamless."
--Karen Meier-Tomesh, CPM, CCIM
Property Manager; Commonweal Development Corp

​"....We still had many problems to work out and we were looking for a different consultant to help us go forward with Yardi. We found Laura Banks and I was so happy that we did. She taught us so many things we never knew and also explained them to us on a level that everyone understood how and more important why it was necessary to do it that way. Laura was very patient and never thought any question we had was unnecessary. For one or two days we worked with her in a group, we learned more from her than we ever did in all the time we dealt with the other consultant.

I would recommend Laura Banks to anyone who wants to input Yardi into their software or upgrade to any other version of Yardi. When we decide to take the next step and upgrade to the next system in Yardi, I can not wait to work with Laura Banks with the conversion. Laura would be the only person that I myself would have total confidence in."
--Sandra Roberts
Accounting Supervisor; Thomson Corporation

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